Rental Inspection Program
Is Critical

50% financially
at risk live in

With 50% of our population financially at risk, there are less-fortunate forced to live in “slum-like” conditions.  Single-mothers and their babies, working poor, grandparents, vets and minorities forced to accept “low-cost” housing with no hot water, toilets that do not flush, vermin, leaky roofs, and landlords who evict at the first sign of complaint, disregarding all regulations intended to protect tenants.

Council has agreed that an inspection program would be considered in the future, but there is concern that by then, the need for inspections will be long forgotten and deemed “unaffordable”.

The Coalition has decided to support implementation of a Rental Inspection Program.  Adopting the Virginia Inspection Code will encourage ineffective landlords to, and reward good ones for, maintaining the minimum level of health safety and welfare.  Let’s keep our most vulnerable safe and healthy!

Please join The Coalition in this effort.

 You are an important member of the Team.  In your words, tell Council that we need a Rental Inspection Program”.  Send your comment to Council by clicking:

Talk to your neighbors and suggest that they send their own message to Council and to  “Subscribe Now” at The Coalition Website to receive their own update: